Monday, December 27, 2004

The Phenomenom called... BULLSHIT!!!!

OK...there is nuthing that pisses me off more then a bad horror movie...and i saw a really bad one recently..."Dark-fucking-ness". I know alot of people have stated this before or maybe they havent but i need to get this out of my system...cause i've been having nightmares cuz that movie was sooo bad.

In which reality are horror movies set... i know it isnt our realm and i am not saying that because of the ghosts and monsters...its because of the fucking people in the movie..."Oh look i hear scary noises from the darkest most scariest part of the house...i feel the urge to go by myself with just a torch light and a thong to investigate'.....who in their right mind wud do such a thing...havent u heard the song.... who u gonna call..."GHOSTBUSTERS"...make that call nights and weekends are free. What are these people thinking....or rather why arent they thinking....havent they scene ne horror movies...u go to the dark corner something scary is going to happen or u are going to die...i know the movie wudnt go on if they didnt go in thier but c'mon give them some motivation to go in they are going to get their keys or they need to take a dump and the bathroom is in the deepest darkest corner of the house....dont make them go in there just because they are feeling in a Scooby Doo mood...even Scooby and the gang splits in to of them wud take a dump while the other guy wud wipe....ok ok i know that was uncalled for but im just soo pissed (sorry scoob)...the thing that pisses me off are not the loopholes in the is when a 10 year old goes into a place i wud run away from immediately...i am man enuff to admit it...if there is a scary situation and im all alone i am going to bullet...Stupid fucking horror movies made me wate 10$ and 2 hours of my life...AAASSSS HOOOO!!!!


Blogger G said...

are u afraid of the dark? *sesky ganja smile*

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oye chill yaar..ppl mite take u for a whiner :P

9:50 AM  

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